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Four Steps to Effective Opportunity Analysis

March 28, 2019

Article Summary

Opportunity analysis uses data to identify potential improvement initiatives and quantifies the value of these initiatives—both in terms of patient care benefits and financial impact. This process is an effective way to find unwarranted and costly clinical variation and, in turn, develop strategies to reduce it, improving outcomes and saving costs along the way. Standardizing the opportunity analysis process makes it repeatable and prioritizes actionable opportunities.

Quarterly opportunity analysis should follow four steps:

• Kicking off the analysis by getting analysts together to do preliminary analysis and brainstorm.
• Presenting findings to the decision makers.

4 Steps to Effective Opportunity Analysis infographic cover
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This report is based on a 2018 Healthcare Analytics Summit presentation given by Matthew Brown, Finance Manager, Allina Health, and Sarah Jenson, Director, Analytics, Health Catalyst at Allina Health, entitled, “Reducing Unwarranted Clinical Variation Saves Tens of Millions of Dollars.”

It’s well known within the healthcare industry that variation in clinical care indicates waste, and waste has negative impacts upon care quality and cost. According to the Advisory Board’s 2017 report,Standardizing Practice for a Tighter Grip on Cost and Quality, unwarranted clinical variation accounts for 42 percent of wasted spending in U.S. healthcare. As healthcare reimbursement moves to a value-based model, health systems are under greater pressure to reduce clinical variation and related costs while improving patient outcomes. That’s not an easy task, but, fortunately, savings opportunities exist within every healthcare organization. Several studies show that for every $1 billion of revenue a typical health system has, there are approximately$30 million of actionable savingsopportunities.

Slim margins and lack of resources in health systems require prioritizing improvement work, so some healthcare organizations are using data to identify opportunities and optimize improvement initiatives.

Data Informs Opportunity Analysis


Opportunity analysis is a systemwide process that uses data to identify opportunities for improvement and quantifies the value of proposed improvement initiatives in terms of optimized care, increased revenue, and decreased costs. It gives health systems a look at performance on a patient, clinician, and system level. Using data analytics tools, health systems can get a high-level look at opportunities for change and an in-depth look at how to improve outcomes and financials in a prioritized approach.

How Data Analysis Helps Identify Opportunities and Find Variation

Identifying clinical variation is a challenging process. It takes time and effort to look at data and assess where the opportunities to drive improvement lie. Standardizing the opportunity analysis process makes it more repeatable than an ad hoc analysis and prioritizes actionable opportunities for cost savings and care improvements.

Opportunity Analysis Steps

Analysts recommend engaging in opportunity analysis every quarter. While organizations can customize their approach, an opportunity analysis process should involve four basic steps: kicking off the analysis, engaging with clinicians to identify opportunities, digging deeper into those opportunities, and presenting findings to the decision makers using standardized visualizations of the data.

Step 1: Kicking Off the Opportunity Analysis


Preliminary analysis requires analysts to get together, dig into the data, look at variation, and talk about methodologies to reduce variation. Doing this well requires trained analysts and the right data analysis tools. Preliminary analysis uncovers insights for possible improvements, which are invaluable when engaging with clinicians, the next step.

Step 2: Engaging with Clinicians

Clinician and executive backing are imperative for change initiatives. Providing actionable data to clinicians engages them in the quest for improvement. A compelling story that provides support for improvement initiatives shows them the value of a data analysis investment.

Engaging with clinicians also helps analysts understand which clinical processes identified might warrant variation. Working early on with clinicians to validate opportunities for improvement makes the data more actionable later in the process because the team won’t spend valuable time and resources working on, for example, reducing variation that is warranted.

Step 3: Digging Deeper into the Data


Opportunities for improvement within health systems abound, making it difficult for analysts to identify the best options to present to decision makers, but following these guidelines for approaching the data helps:

  • Getting granular with the data– By drilling down to homogeneous patient populations by segmenting on severity, diagnosis, procedures, and more, populations become small enough for clinicians to confidently say that everyone in the population should reasonably be treated in the same way.
  • Focusing on areas with both high cost and high variation-开始的焦点可以是垂直的,如临床服务线,或水平的,如跨组织的服务,如实验室,药物,再入院,或网络泄漏。(分析师应该记住,如果结果出色,有时高成本也无妨,所以将成本和变化结合起来很重要。)
  • Looking for cost drivers– Searching for specific areas driving costs up is a good start. The areas may include room, supplies, OR, drugs, lab, radiology, respiratory, and other. From there, analysts can dig into deeper levels of detail.
  • Examining variation-检查特定的设施或供应商的变化,可以洞察谁或什么导致了变化。上述顾问委员会的文章指出,大多数变异来自少数医生和设施(16%)。
  • Analyzing the impact– Considering factors, such as length of stay, potentially preventable complications, or potentially preventable readmissions, helps analysts see the impact of variation.

Step 4: Presenting Opportunity Analysis Findings Using Graphical Interpretations

The last step of the opportunity analysis is to present the findings to the stakeholders and clinicians. Before analysts make presentations to teams throughout the organization, it’s important they are on the same page so there is continuity in the messages. Presentations should be both consistent and digestible, which helps analysts explain what they found in the data and helps others understand those insights.

当展示机会分析的结果时,分析师应该使用标准的图形解释来说明数据的故事。When talking about clinical variation, several visualization types present data well:

Control charts– A control chart illustrates variation in overall care and the variation over time, highlighting areas out of control. For example, data points going above the upper control limit, as seen in Figure 1, indicate that care delivery is inconsistent and warrants closer examination. If something is out of control, it provides a starting point for analysis, and the chart is a good visualization to show leaders the variation and thus the opportunity for improvement.

A control chart illustrating variation in overall care and the variation over time
Figure 1: Control Chart

Bubble graphs– Bubble graphs highlight volume, cost, and variation within each location or providers. They should be used in conjunction with control charts. On the bubble graph, the x axis represents cost and the y axis represents the coefficient of variation. The size of the bubble represents volume (the larger the bubble, the greater the volume). The upper right quadrant of the bubble graph shows providers with high cost and high variation; these are often the best providers to investigate for improvement opportunities. The lower right quadrant gives good information as well because the bubbles represent providers with consistently high cost. The left quadrants represent providers with lower cost. These may be the best practice providers who have good insights to share.

Bubble graph highlighting volume, cost, and variation within each location or providers
Figure 2: Bubble Graph

Box plots-方框图突出显示一个地点或供应商内的变化范围,以及整体百分比,便于在不同类别之间进行比较。For example, providers above the overall 75th百分位数表示改进的机会。

Box plot highlighting the range of variation within a location or provider
Figure 3: Box Plot

Move from Opportunities to Action

After analysts present the opportunity analysis and the group agrees on improvement initiatives to further explore, the finance team should investigate these opportunities to understand the population and financial impact of any proposed action. Together, the finance team, the analysts, and care teams agree upon a set of assumptions based on a series of questions:

  • How is the care model changing?To successfully reduce variation and improve outcomes, it’s important for clinicians understand any necessary changes to care models.
  • 驱动结果需要哪些步骤?任何改进计划的第一部分都是确定需要更改的内容。第二部分是创建一个具体的计划,包括实现预期结果的具体步骤。
  • How can the steps be tracked?Tracking actions and progress is key to understanding how and why a change initiative works (or doesn’t). Throughout the process, organizations should use a tracking system that records steps taken and the results of those steps.
  • 对患者护理的改变将如何影响财务状况(积极或消极)?在权衡成本与收益时,重要的是组织要考虑到,有时护理改进会损害底线,但如果好处大于成本,这些改进措施仍应被考虑。
  • 这个项目有资格获得绩效工资计划吗?Pay for performance (P4P) programs can help recoup costs of a costly care improvement initiative. Many payers offer financial rewards for outcome improvements, so organizations may want to engage with payers about the potential of P4P eligibility.

Finance takes these assumptions and creates a model to predict the impact to the bottom line. This prediction should consider four factors: revenue loss, increased bonus from payer (P4P), net gain, and improved outcomes.

Bringing It All Together


Additional Reading

你想了解更多关于这个话题吗?Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Reducing Unwanted Variation in Healthcare Clears the Way for Outcomes Improvement
  2. Four Essential Ways Control Charts Guide Healthcare Improvement
  3. Opportunity Analysis Permits Successful Execution of At-Risk Contracts

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