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Analytics Improves Care Management Efficiency

Article Summary

妇女医院的艾滋病毒/艾滋病综合管理方案为感染艾滋病毒的妇女及其婴儿提供病例管理。women 's利用Health Cata世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地lyst®数据操作系统(DOS™)平台和护理管理套件来提高护理管世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测理人员的效率,自动化识别符合CHAMP资格的患者,并简化患者在该计划中的登记。


care management efficiency
Featured Outcomes
  • 40%的效率相对提高,使护理管理人员能够将这些时间投入到患者护理中。
  • 减少了传送实验室数据的快递工时——每年600小时。
  • Woman’s Hospital has continued to achieve high levels of performance. Since 2005, Woman’s has not had an HIV-positive baby born to a mother enrolled in the program.


妇女医院的艾滋病毒/艾滋病综合管理方案为感染艾滋病毒的妇女及其婴儿提供病例管理。Woman 's的护理经理收到了一份报告,其中确定了参与该项目的患者,然后将接触患者,手动将他们纳入该项目。记录患者的交互是很麻烦的,每次护理管理人员与患者接触时,都需要在三个不同的emr和三个数据库中进行记录,并从六个不同的地方中的四个手动提取数据。结果跟踪也需要手工文档。该组织希望提高护理管理效率。


Woman’s utilized the Health Catalyst® Data Operating System (DOS™) platform and the Care Management Suite to improve care manager efficiency. The Care Management Suite automates the identification of patients eligible for CHAMP and streamlines patient enrollment in the program. In addition, the organization standardized patient assessments in the analytics application and reduced the number of places care managers must document patient information, activity, and assessments. Manual entry of external lab data was eliminated, and labs are now sent and received to/from external providers electronically. Woman’s automated the visualization of the program results, including patient outcomes in the analytics application, ensuring ongoing monitoring of program performance and patient outcomes.


Using DOS and the Care Management Suite, Woman’s has integrated data and analytics for more than 8,000 deliveries annually to identify and manage pregnant patients that are HIV-positive. The organization eliminated burdensome documentation processes and improved care manager efficiency, allowing care managers to spend more time with patients, focusing on disease management, medication adherence, and lifestyle choices to prevent HIV transmission.

  • 40%的效率相对提高,使护理管理人员能够将这些时间投入到患者护理中。
  • 减少了传送实验室数据的快递工时——每年600小时。
  • Woman’s Hospital has continued to achieve high levels of performance. Since 2005, Woman’s has not had an HIV-positive baby born to a mother enrolled in the program.

“The Health Catalyst Data Operating System and analytics applications have streamlined our work and improved efficiency for our day-to-day processes, making it easier to visualize our program outcomes.”

Pam Ellis, RN, BSN, Clinical Services Coordinator, Woman’s Hospital


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