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300 Case Studies – Highlighting Our Transformational Clients

July 13, 2022
Posted inFeature Articles

As we’ve reflected on the achievement of our 300th客户验证的案例研究,我们已经注意到数以百万计的微小的行动,小步骤,快速的签到,和预定的会议,使我们走到今天。如果没有我们尊贵的客户的信任和伙伴关系,以及我们努力工作的Health Catalyst团队成员的使命驱动的奉献,我们将无法庆祝这一里程碑式的成就。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地

Together, we’ve achieved over $1.5 billion in validated measurable improvements, positively impacted the lives of over 5.4 million patients, and closed 2.9 million care gaps.

在我们的庆祝活动结束之际,我们再次回顾了几个Health Catalyst客户在临床、运营和财务方面实现重大转型的经历,并询问我们的团队成员是什么让他们的客户的转型真正引人注目。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地

Carle Health (Carle)

Based in Urbana, Illinois, Carle is a vertically integrated health system with 8,000 employees, including more than 1,000 doctors and advanced practice providers. Its hospitals, physician group, health plan and associated healthcare businesses include the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, the world’s first engineering-based medical school and Health Alliance, a provider-driven health plan serving Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, and Washington.

Commenting on Carle’s healthcare transformation journey, Health Catalyst Senior Vice President & Senior Account Executive Aimee Gomlak said, “Carle has been a wonderful partner. Their leaders and overall organization are constantly trying to be more efficient and more innovative with a solid goal and plan to be in the top decile of key measures and metrics. Carle knows that a disciplined performance improvement approach, using all relevant data, will ensure their success. Carle’s leadership have been on this journey for many years and Health Catalyst joined them at the time they felt was best. When we have a partner like Carle, who is already primed for success because they don’t need to be convinced about the power of data-informed decision-making, we become intertwined in achieving their goals and feel we are part of their team.”

Gomlak继续说道:“Matt, Phil, Suzanne, Jerry, Dennis和他们的团队在分享他们的战略计划时实践了透明度,这使得我们的团队能够专注地倾听和合作,以找到最佳的方法来推进他们的临床,操作和财务目标。这种对联合治理的承诺,加上他们以数据为基础的文化,有助于组织实现变革成功的能力。”

Matt Kolb is Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Phil Rowell is Vice President of Clinical and Business Intelligence, and Suzanne Sampson is Senior Vice President, Transformation Services Division, at Carle Health. Jerry Bradford is Chief Financial Officer at Health Alliance and Dennis Hesch is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Carle Health.

Since first joining the Health Catalyst family in April 2020, Carle has contributed numerous customer-verified success stories. You can read about how Carle successfully utilized data and analytics to guide their treatment work, improve the quality of addiction treatment, and visualize the performance of critical measures across the organization below.

Analytics Enables Improved Identification and Treatment of Patients with Substance Use Disorders

Carle attempted to use its data to identify sources of cost and utilization variation, but burdensome manual data collection and reporting processes made it incredibly difficult to identify opportunities for improvement. It was not uncommon for it to take two to four months to obtain the data necessary to establish direction for improvement work. Using the Health Catalyst® Data Operating System (DOS™) platform and the Health Catalyst® Value Optimizer™ analytics application, Carle now has the integrated data and analytics required to understand and improve its risk-based contract performance and identify actionable opportunities for improvement.

Analytics Enables Identification of Opportunities to Improve Value and Accountable Care Organization Performance


Data Platform Supports Acquisition of Practices and Network Growth, Increasing Revenue

卡尔健康计划获得大量的实践,扩大组织,并创建一个更强大的临床综合网络(CIN)。然而,组织需要满足关键的法规要求。Carle利用DOS™平台和Leading wis世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测dom(医疗保健决策支持解决方案)来共享预先裁决的索赔,并在整个CIN中可视化关键度量的性能。卡尔公司现在有了唯一的真实的索赔数据和可靠的预判决索赔报告。

Community Health Network (CHNw)

CHNw is an Indianapolis-based non-profit health system with more than 200 sites of care and affiliates throughout Central Indiana. The health system integrates hundreds of physicians, specialty and acute care hospitals, surgery centers, home care services, MedChecks, behavioral health and employer health services, and is ranked among the nation’s most integrated healthcare systems.

Health Catalyst高级副总裁兼国家战略客户执行尼尔·安德森(Neil Andersen)表示:“在与社区卫生网络合作的多年中,我们能够利用他们的数据来应对许多改善举措,从败血症干预到药物使用障碍项目,所有这些都有助于中国卫生健康更好地实现其医疗转型目标。”世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地“CHNw成功的秘诀在于,CHNw的领导者和团队成员都高度专注于以最简单的方式提供最好的患者护理,他们明白将数据作为资产来持续实现有意义的结果的价值。”

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst已经与CHNw进行了15项客户验证的案例研究。2022年世界杯预赛分组以下是我们最近的一些案例研究:2022年世界杯预赛分组

Closing Care Gaps at the Point-of-Care Yields 4X Value Realization

Primary care providers (PCPs) spend nearly six hours each day interacting with the EHR. CHNw was committed to ensuring patients received appropriate primary and preventative care, but burdensome documentation processes in the EHR made it difficult to improve performance and close care gaps. The organization leveraged its data platform and analytics applications to make care gaps visible to providers within their workflow, decrease the administrative burden on care teams, and improve value-based care. CHNw can now easily track and measure performance and reporting requirements.

Real-Time Data Enables Improvement, Reducing Bariatric Surgery Costs by $840K

阿片类药物滥用和依赖正在成为接受减肥手术的患者日益关注的问题。作为每年为数百名患者提供减肥手术的供应商,CHNw认为需要专注于改善减肥手术护理和患者结果,帮助降低接受减肥手术的患者对阿片类药物产生依赖的风险。通过Hea世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地lth Catalyst, CHNw能够收集接受减肥手术的患者的关键数据,从而改善护理和患者结果,减少阿片类药物的使用、并发症和成本。

Smartsourcing Clinical Data Abstraction Continues to Deliver Value While Reducing Costs

CHNw smartsourced clinical chart abstraction to Health Catalyst, enabling the organization to control cost increases, improve the use of registry data, and take on more advanced quality improvement activities.

Texas Children’s Hospital

Texas Children’s Hospital, located in Houston, Texas, is recognized as one of America’s best children’s hospitals. The not-for-profit organization is on a mission to create a healthier future for children and women by leading in patient care, education, and research.

Together, Texas Children’s Hospital and Health Catalyst have produced 29 case studies documenting the organization’s clinical, operational, and financial improvement journey.

Commenting on the success of the partnership between Health Catalyst and Texas Children’s Hospital, Betsy McVay, Senior Vice President & National Senior Account Executive said, “Texas Children’s Hospital’s commitment to excellence is well-documented – they are one of the top pediatric centers in the nation. This commitment permeates every aspect of their organization and enables us to have a partnership that is rooted in collaboration, communication, and a mission-driven approach to transforming healthcare in a meaningful, data-driven way.”

Digital Technologies Transforms Ambulatory Operations Saving a Projected $7M

Access to convenient care can influence a patient’s decision on where to seek treatment, subsequently affecting patient retention and revenue generation for healthcare organizations. Texas Children’s Hospital has a high patient demand for care, which increased during the pandemic. To meet the challenge, the organization sought to improve accessibility to its services while maintaining safety for its patients and staff, as well as streamline its referral process. The organization successfully utilized digital technologies and its analytics platform to quickly expand its telemedicine services during the pandemic and improve patient access.

Optimizing Space Utilization Improves Patient Access and Revenue

Texas Children’s Hospital had dramatically improved patient access, yet it recognized that it could advance access further by improving space utilization and proactively reallocating underutilized exam rooms. The organization developed a space visualization analytics application, and conducted a comprehensive space assessment, identifying opportunities to improve utilization of current space to increase clinic offerings—resulting in improved access for patients and families by utilizing space efficiently.

Improved Patient Scheduling Enhances Care and Boosts Revenue by $8.3M

The amount of time a patient may have to wait for a scheduled appointment at Texas Children’s Hospital varied greatly because of a lack of standardized processes. After taking a deeper look at its scheduling process with the help of analytics, it was able to develop an improvement strategy aimed at increasing access to care—enhancing patient care and boosting revenue.

Health Catalyst, Carle Health Strengthen Partnership in Support of the Health System’s Financial Transformation Goals

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