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On-Demand Webinar
Network, Technology, and Data: Missing Pieces of the Puzzle for Clinical Trials Success

在本次网络研讨会上,Health 世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Catalyst的高级副总裁兼生命科学总经理Sadiqa Mahmood和客座行业专家将讨论临床试验的发展和未来。随后将由产品战略副总裁Emmanuel Cocodia进行演讲,他将概述Health Catalyst的战略,通过健康催化剂研究网络™(HCRN)和试金石匹配™解决临床研究的挑战。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地

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Delivering Precision Medicine: How Data Drives Individualized Healthcare


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Using COVID-19 Value Sets for Patient Identification

由于电子病历数据的显著差异,需要信息学工具来界定疑似感染SARS-Cov2和确诊感染COVID-19的患者。为了建立COVID-19数据库的可扩展模型,Health Catalyst建立了一种详细的方法,利用启发式方法捕捉确诊和疑似病例。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地

Health Catalyst has proposed value sets that define two patient cohorts for the registry for confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients, stratified further into three levels of confidence: high confidence suspected, moderate confidence suspected, and low confidence suspected.

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Creating a Data-Driven Research Ecosystem with Patients at the Center

As patient data because one of the healthcare industry’s most valuable assets, organizations are establishing new practices around accessing and handling data. In question is the practice of de-identifying patient data for widespread cross-organizational data collaboration without compromising patient privacy. But because deeper and richer data drives better clinical understanding and, ultimately, better outcomes, does separating patients from their health data and how it’s used give researchers and developers the best insights? Or do data users risk losing critical connection with the patients and insights into therapies their lives, disease, treatments, and deaths that contribute to new therapeutic approaches?

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了解我们的合作伙伴如何利用Health Catalyst提供的解决方案来优化世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地医疗保健服务。2022卡塔尔世界杯赛程表时间

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