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Farhana Nakhooda

SVP Health Catalyst, Asia Pacific (APAC)

Farhana Nakhooda,健康催化剂世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地亚太区(APAC)高级副总裁,领导健康催化剂亚太区业务的整体愿景和增长战略。她热衷于改善亚太地区的医疗结果、获得医疗服务以及降低医疗成本。Nakhooda在医学、技术、人工智能和分析的交叉领域有着丰富的经验。在加入Health Catal世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地yst之前,她曾担任IBM亚太地区医疗保健和生命科学解决方案负责人18年,在亚太地区、东欧和2022卡塔尔世界杯赛程表时间中东/非洲的数字化医疗转型项目中发挥了关键作用。Nakhooda在医疗保健和生命科学行业拥有超过25年的国际经验,是一名医学研究者和主题专家。她在英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)获得生物学和生物化学学士学位(荣誉)。她在澳大利亚墨尔本莫纳什Mt Eliza商学院完成工商管理硕士学位。

See content from Farhana Nakhooda

The State of Data and Analytics in the Asia Pacific

In this episode of Owning the Future of Healthcare, a Health Catalyst podcast, Farhana Nakhooda, Senior Vice President of Health Catalyst Asia Pacific (APAC), discusses the current state of data and analytics in APAC, the reason behind the growing interest in data-driven healthcare, and how different markets (both developing and developed) are overcoming barriers to […]

2021 Asia-Pacific Healthcare Trends: Growing Digitization, Universal Health Coverage, and More

Along with the rest of the globe, 2021 healthcare trends across Asia-Pacific (APAC) countries will center on COVID-19 recovery and resuming the healthcare improvement journey. In the APAC region, however, a mix of developed and developing countries poses unique challenges, as healthcare access and basic infrastructure vary widely between urban and rural populations and economic levels. To shepherd healthcare out of the pandemic and enhance delivery overall in 2021, APAC nations will focus on increasing investment in digital health (including virtual care, machine learning, and EMR adoption), achieving universal health coverage, shifting more towards value, and improving payer-provider relationships.

2021 Asia-Pacific Healthcare Trends: Growing Digitization, Universal Health Coverage, and More (White Paper)

Along with the rest of the globe, 2021 healthcare trends across Asia-Pacific (APAC) countries will center on COVID-19 recovery and resuming the healthcare improvement journey. In the APAC region, however, a mix of developed and developing countries poses unique challenges, as healthcare access and basic infrastructure vary widely between urban and rural populations and economic levels. To shepherd healthcare out of the pandemic and enhance delivery overall in 2021, APAC nations will focus on increasing investment in digital health (including virtual care, machine learning, and EMR adoption), achieving universal health coverage, shifting more towards value, and improving payer-provider relationships.

Data Bridges the Knowledge Gaps in the Fight Against COVID-19

If governments and healthcare providers thought it was difficult to plan for COVID-19 testing and contact tracing, the public vaccination process will be another monumental challenge. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an independent panel that reports to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommended that frontline healthcare workers should be first in […]

How a U.S. COVID-19 Data Registry Fuels Global Research

In addition to driving COVID-19 understanding within the United States, a national disease registry is informing research beyond U.S. borders. Clinicians with the Singapore Ministry of Healthcare Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT) have used Health Catalyst Touchstone®利用COVID-19数据开发机器学习工具,帮助预测COVID-19死亡的可能性。有了这个利用深度聚合的电子病历数据的国家数据集,卫生部访问了它所需的研究级数据,以构建一个预测COVID-19死亡风险的机器学习算法。登记信息的预测模型足够准确,足以经得起发表文献的比较,并有望为疫苗研究提供信息,并最终在人群中分配疫苗。

How a U.S. COVID-19 Data Registry Fuels Global Research

In addition to driving COVID-19 understanding within the United States, a national disease registry is informing research beyond U.S. borders. Clinicians with the Singapore Ministry of Healthcare Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT) have used Health Catalyst Touchstone® COVID-19 data to develop a machine learning tool that helps predict the likelihood of COVID-19 mortality.

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