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The State of Data and Analytics in the Asia Pacific

July 14, 2021
Farhana Nakhooda

SVP Health Catalyst, Asia Pacific (APAC)

In this episode of Owning the Future of Healthcare, a Health Catalyst podcast, Farhana Nakhooda, Senior Vice President of Health Catalyst Asia Pacific (APAC), discusses the current state of data and analytics in APAC, the reason behind the growing interest in data-driven healthcare, and how different markets (both developing and developed) are overcoming barriers to maximize their data.

Tune in to Hear Nakhooda Answer These Questions

  • What is the status of healthcare data and analytics usage and integration in APAC? 1:30
  • What is driving the interest in the adoption of data and analytics in healthcare in this region? 4:10
  • What are some of the unrealized opportunities for APAC in leveraging data and analytics in healthcare? 8:25
  • How can healthcare organizations remove barriers to better leverage their healthcare data? 12:11

Noteworthy Quotes from Nakhooda

“More than half of the world’s population lives in this region, and the demand for healthcare services is growing.”

“Healthcare organizations lack a big picture view across the whole health system. Compiling all of the data in one place across all systems and then using that data to identify the biggest opportunities is crucial but still fairly new in this area.”


How Clinical Analytics Empowerment Improve Healthcare Outcomes and Care Standards

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