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How to Build a Healthcare Analytics Team and Solve Strategic Problems

March 12, 2019

Article Summary


These include the following:

• Conducting a current state assessment.
• Identifying solutions.
• Implementing a phased approach.
• Building a roadmap.

The article also includes the foundation skills to look for when putting together the team and tips on how best to organize.


本报告基于2018年医疗保健分析峰会上由堪萨斯大学健康中心精益推广副总裁David M. Wild MD和业务架构与分析总监Chris Harper MBAi、MPM、业务架构与分析总监所做的演讲,题为“我们如何开发高级分析团队来解决我们的战略问题”。

Health systems have a wealth ofdataavailable, but often struggle with leveraging that data to solve strategic problems. A healthcare analytics team—made up of the right people with the right skills—can go a long way toward addressing organizational challenges and improving patient care. These analysts use advanced analytics to produce actionable insights, creating positive impacts throughout the organization.

This article will walk through the steps needed to put an effective applied analytics team in place.

The Value of a Healthcare Analytics Team

Healthcare organizations often struggle with the time-value curve of data. The time it takes between a clinical event and being able to collect and use data to make and measure an improvement is far too long. Health systems can shorten the time-value curve of analytics with an applied healthcare analytics team. These trained analysts, working with the right tools, can get to actionable data faster, providing value inimproved outcomes、运营效率和底线。



Conduct a Current State Assessment

Labor in any organization is a finite resource, and because data analytics can be time intensive, there is a limit to the data employees and consultants can process and report. In many healthcare organizations, much of data analysts’ time is spent managing reports, leaving little time for analysis and consulting. As required reporting volume grows, time for analysis shrinks, further compounding the problem. To identify solutions, organizations must understand the needs and limitations of processes in use. A current state assessment can reveal this information.

Conducting a current state assessment is vital for health systems challenged by collecting and using data effectively. An assessment highlights gaps in data analysis and provides insights into duplicative or inefficient processes. It might include looking at who collects and reports data, what tools they are using, and where the data comes from.

Identify Solutions

The next step is to identify solutions to challenges uncovered during the current state assessment. For example, if the organizational goal is to become more efficient and effective at gathering and reporting data, leaders must find a way to change the productivity curve. How can they decrease the time it takes to report data while increasing the time available to analyze the data for actionable insights?

To answer this question, leaders should map out requirements for a viable solution. This might look like the following list of requirements:

  • Accommodates increasing report demand with an analytic platform approach.
  • Provides more value-add activities, such as data analysis and consulting with stakeholders.
  • 引入了一个可扩展的报告平台,该平台使用集中的、明确定义的标准化数世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测据元素,同时支持业务单元报告自主权。
  • Speeds the delivery of more dynamic information to decision makers.
  • Allows key performance indicators (KPIs) and detailed information to flow all the way to the desktop level of the organization.
  • Increases investment in data analysis and consulting with stakeholders to add value.
  • 转向可扩展的报表平台,该平台使用集中的、明确定义的标准化数据世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测元素,并支持业务单元的自主权。
  • Delivers more dynamic information to decision makers faster.
Visualization of report development vs analysis & consulting within available labor resources


Once the organization’s challenges and potential solutions are mapped out, it’s time to get buy-in about how to get from the current state to a future, desired state. To do this, organizations must look at both people and tools and invest in team members to prepare them for the task.


Below is a sample list of foundational skills to include in a skills assessment:

  • 基本技能(通用)。
    • Technical skills, such as visualization basic application, SSIS, SSRS, visualization application, EMR radiology, and EMR reporting.
    • 业务/临床技能,如EMR数据库建模、EMR前端工作流和EMR构建/工作流。
    • 分析技能,如法规和合规性(HIPPA/ICD-10)、临床需求收集和医疗保健质量指标。
  • Foundational skills (specialty).
    • 临床术语标准化。
    • 数据管理的发展。
    • Data modeling.
    • Data mining.
    • Data visualization development.
    • 先进的统计建模。
    • 统计分析。

An analytics team must have many of these foundational skills and know how to apply them in order to provide efficient and effective data analysis. Once the team is up and running, the organization might later decide to add additional specialty skills to the team, either through training, hiring, or contracting.

Having effective tools is also imperative. Not all data analysis software is created equal, so it’s important to have the right technology. Technology needs vary from organization to organization, but ideally organizations invest in a comprehensive solution with a variety of tools that will help speed the variety of tasks analysts spend the bulk of their time doing. An organization might spend a billion dollars on technology and building out a pristine data analytic platform, but this does nothing if the organization doesn’t have the right people to drive insights, and ultimately improvements. Neither people nor tools alone will do the job. Technology is vital to improving efficiency and accuracy of data reporting, and so is having the right people on board.

Implement a Phased Approach to Develop the Team

Developing an effective healthcare analytics team takes forethought and planning. Many organizations use a phased approach when building a team of analysts who are ready and able to solve the most pressing strategic problems. This might include the following three phases:

  • Phase 1: Foundational capacity– This is the operational reporting layer. During this phase, organizations should invest in developing core capabilities around retro-perspective business intelligence (BI) and reporting and visualization tools.
  • Phase 2: Advanced capabilities– Phase two involves investing in statistical and forecasting tools to answer strategic questions.
  • Phase 3: Predictive capability– This involves usingpredictive analytic统计工具,以及用于预测、监测和报告结果的电子病历。
Diagram of phased approach to developing a healthcare analytics team
Figure 2: Phased layered analytics capabilities

Build a Roadmap

A roadmap is a guiding document that clearly lays out where an organization is and where it’s going, along with the concrete steps to get there. Part of building a roadmap involves introspection and organizational analysis. To do this, organizations need to take a three-step approach:

  • 发现真相。这个问题识别任务是任何过程改进计划的第一步。如果一个组织不了解挑战是什么,找到并实施有效的解决方案将是困难的。2022卡塔尔世界杯赛程表时间对于组织来说,寻找真相可能是困难的,因为“真相”是模糊的,并且与个人的观点有关。但是能够在这一点上达成共识的组织将会成功。
  • Tell the truth.第二步是向领导展示发现,以获得潜在解决方案的认可。2022卡塔尔世界杯赛程表时间这需要外交手腕和敏感性,需要明确的目标感。
  • 面对真相。The third step is to understand the challenges. It can take humility and being open to the notion that change is necessary to benefit patients. It requires a community rather than an individual focus.

The Pitch – How to Get Leadership Buy In

Getting leadership buy-in to invest in an applied healthcare analytics team requires a clear, concise message. Data is an asset. That’s a given in any healthcare organization. Most health system leaders will agree that analyzing data is critical—and that data analysis is a supporting function of strategy. So, the key to getting leadership on board to invest in an analytics team may require illustrating how to turn data analysis into a function of competitive advantage rather than just a supporting service.

This is challenging, however, if leadership regularly makes decisions based on the available data or even gut intuition. To meet that challenge, the project leader should make this pitch: The benefit of a data analytics team is that analysts will take data and, as quickly as possible, develop information from that data. They will then share what they’ve learned with operational leads who can translate that information into actionable insights. It’s these insights that have an immediate, measurable impact. The pitch should also highlight the competitive advantage of a dedicated healthcare analytics team. If the analytics team can do this work better and faster than the competition, what was once believed to be a support service can become a competitive advantage.

Put the Roadmap into Action

Once there is leadership buy-in, the next step is to put the roadmap into action. There are three general steps to building an analytics team:

  1. Ask the right questions to solve the right problems.

Organizations that take time to ensure the team is asking the right questions to solve the right problems tend to have better results. Zeroing in on what those questions are takes a clear understanding of operations and outcomes. Knowing the biggest challenges and identifying solutions moves the roadmap from theory into action.

  1. 利用现有资源建立团队。


  1. Find space for the team to operate.

Finding space for the analytics team to operate can also be challenging. If office space isn’t available, look for alternative locations to set up computer stations.

When these goals have been accomplished, the healthcare analytics team can start doing what they were created to do—analyzing data to create actionable insights that can lead to improved processes, care, and outcomes.

From Actionable Insights to Improved Patient Care



Additional Reading

你想了解更多关于这个话题吗?Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Reducing Hospital Readmissions: A Case for Integrated Analytics
  2. What Healthcare Analysts Can Learn About Data Analytics From the World of Surfing
  3. How to Turn Data Analysts into Data Scientists
  4. 6 Essential Data Analyst Skills for Your Healthcare Organization
  5. The Number One Skill for a Healthcare Data Analyst

PowerPoint Slides

Would you like to use or share these concepts? Download this presentation highlighting the key main points.

Click Here to Download the Slides


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