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Delivering Precision Medicine: How Data Drives Individualized Healthcare

Article Summary

Delivering precision medicine requires healthcare to transition from a one-size-fits-all methodology to an individualized approach. This means healthcare professionals tailor treatment and prevention strategies according to each patient’s personal characteristics—their genomic makeup, environment, and lifestyle. To realize these precision care goals, researchers and clinicians must leverage vast and varied amounts of real-world data.

数据访问和互操作性障碍经常阻碍精准医疗的转型。然而,当前的医疗保健行业趋势增加了研究人员和临床医生更全面地了解医疗条件和患者的机会。These insights establish the foundation for precision medicine and support actionable pathways towards more efficient development of targeted treatments.

Delivering precision medicine

ThePrecision Medicine Initiative呼吁医疗保健从一刀切的方法过渡到个性化的方法。根据这项提议,医疗专业人员必须根据每个患者的基因组构成、环境和生活方式来定制治疗和预防策略。实现精准医疗要求研究人员和临床医生能够访问大量不同数量的真实世界数据(RWD),以及使这些数据能够被广泛访问和使用的技术。


Precision Medicine from Its Foundation to Real-World Benefits

As healthcare builds a comprehensive data ecosystem and progresses towards precision medicine, the industry is making significant advancements in the quality of care, from a more efficient and accurate drug development process to therapies better targeted at individual patients and diagnoses.

Healthcare Innovation Forms an Actionable Foundation



  • Big data analytics and machine learning that advanced healthcare decision support
  • Reimbursement methods that incentivize health systems to keep patients well.
  • Emerging tools that enable more data and interoperability.

Feeding the Drug Development Pipeline

With industry trends supporting the precision medicine journey, healthcare is leveraging more comprehensive patient data to inform itsdrug developmentprocess. Earlier approaches to creating new drugs relied on claims data as the only available source of knowledge. This method couldn’t determine how a new drug would affect broader patient populations.

Like the path to precision medicine, improved drug development relies on patient-centric data to reflect individual experiences. This insight helps researchers bring drugs to market more efficiently and safely. More personalized insight informs the process from discovery, new indications, clinical development, trial design, and measuring outcomes (e.g., side effects) to identifying who is using an approved drug and why and determining value-effectiveness for drug reimbursement.

Right Drug, Right Patient, Right Time

The pivotal promise of precision medicine is highlyindividualized therapy. With more in-depth insight into patients and their health, clinicians, academics, and pharma and biotech researchers and regulators aim to deliver the right drug for the right patient at the right time.

Developing these personalized therapies requires real-world clinical and molecular data.


A lack of combined molecular and clinical data creates. Solutions that make data accessible and usable (e.g., the Health CatalystData Operating System (DOS™)and a core data management system (e.g., Molecular and ClinicalDOS Marts™) can help the healthcare community advance precision medicine goals of highly individualized treatment.

From the Ground Up, Delivering Precision Medicine Is a Data-Driven Journey


Additional Reading

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Creating a Data-Driven Research Ecosystem with Patients at the Center
  2. Healthcare Data: Creating a Learning Healthcare Ecosystem
  3. A New Era of Personalized Medicine: The Power of Analytics and AI
  4. Harnessing the Power of Healthcare Data: Are We There Yet?
  5. Extended Real-World Data: The Life Science Industry’s Number One Asset

PowerPoint Slides

Would you like to use or share these concepts? Download this presentation highlighting the key main points.

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