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The Best Solution for Declining Medicare Reimbursements

March 15, 2018
Bobbi Brown, MBA

Senior Vice President

Article Summary

I am one of the brave souls who takes the time to read the report issued each spring by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (Medpac).
But the report also reveals that some healthcare organizations—referred to as “relatively efficient”—are making money from Medicare with an average 2 percent margin. How do you become one of these organizations? And how do you target and counter Medicare trends that impact your business?

Up next:
Five Data-driven Patient Empowerment Strategies
Maureen Bisognano

President Emerita and Senior Fellow, IHI

Editor’s Note: Originally writtenJuly 9, 2013,Bobbi为2018年3月更新了这篇文章。

Given the continued trends for declining Medicare reimbursements, I am one of the brave souls who takes the time to read the report issued each spring by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (Medpac). MedPAC is a nonpartisan agency that provides Congress with analysis about the Medicare program. Many of their reports are used to set policy for the Medicare program. The push for quality is strong and MedPAC is working to provide the right incentives for quality.

Though the reading can be a bit dry, the information contained in the report is important—particularly considering the fact that the commission’s recommendations are influential in shaping policy. Medicare payment policies tend to set a precedent for other payers.

I had the chance to read a variety of the documents published by MedPAC (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission). I reviewed two documents:

The Report to Congress covers 10 areas from stand-alone ED to provider payment. I am just focusing on a couple of the areas and showing a few key findings from the data distributed.


报告显示,从长期来看,这种支出趋势是无法承受的。We have been able to lower the per beneficiary spend but we need to sustain that trend

  • Medicare per beneficiary spend has fallen to an annual increase rate of 1 percent for the period 2010 to 2015.
  • 对2016-2025年的预测显示,人均受益支出将以每年4%的速度增长。
  • During the same time-period the aging of the baby-boom generation will cause an increase of enrollment of 3 percent annually. By 2030 there will be 81 million beneficiaries in the Medicare program.
  • Overall Medicare spending will increase 6-7 percent each year and this is a higher projection than the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). GDP is projected to increase 5 percent annually.

Utilization trends


During the same time, Medicare length of stay decreased 7.7 percent. These facts will impact the location of services for the populations served.

Graph showing MedPAC analysis of CMS claims

Source: MedPAC analysis of CMS claims

There have been a couple of shifts in the type of cases admitted to the hospital between 2006 and 2015.

  • 2015年,循环系统病例占住院患者出院总数的五分之一,比2006年下降了6个百分点。
  • 肌肉骨骼系统病例占所有住院病例的14%,比2006年增加了2个百分点。
  • Up 5 percentage points is infectious and parasitic disease cases which accounted for 9 percent of all inpatient discharges.




CMS started a program that involves a negative payment and hospitals have responded to the penalty by working to lower readmissions.

Discharge disposition


Bundle payments would help in this area and place accountability with the organization that assumes the risk. Also CMS may revamp the payment system for post-acute care by 2020.

Concentration of spending


CMS needs to develop programs that target and value care coordination.

Low-value care


Providers should be evaluating the 31 measures in their institutions. We may currently get revenue for the services, but we need to shift to a value lens.

Addressing Declining Medicare Reimbursements


PowerPoint Slides

Would you like to use or share these concepts? Download this presentation highlighting the key main points.

Click Here to Download the Slides

Five Data-driven Patient Empowerment Strategies

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