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Michael Millenson

Senior Advisor, Health Catalyst

Michael L. Millenson is an internationally recognized expert on making health care better, safer and more patient-centered and is a consultant to Health Catalyst. The author of the critically acclaimed book, Demanding Medical Excellence: Doctors and Accountability in the Information Age, Michael is president of Health Quality Advisors LLC and an adjunct associate professor of medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

作为一名顾问,Michael曾与广泛的行业客户合作,专注于战略规划和产品开发。在政策领域,他曾在国会和联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)作证,并与人合著了城市研究所(Urban Institute)和其他组织的政策论文。此外,迈克尔还为哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)合著了一项案例研究,并为《英国医学杂志与健康事务》(British Medical Journal and Health Affairs)、《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)和《媒体》(Medium)等刊物撰写过文章。Michael的研究包括检查直接面向消费者的数字诊断、以患者为中心的护理的创新,以及采用患者安全实践的障碍。


See content from Michael Millenson

How Carle Health Effectively Integrated Augmented Intelligence

In this webinar, Phil Rowell, M.J., Vice President of Clinical and Business Intelligence at Carle Health, will describe how Carle Health became an early adopter of AI and leveraged AI-powered analytics to tackle the complexities of COVID-19, improve sepsis management, and accurately forecast patient outcomes and associated costs based on historical and current data.

Healthcare Data Analytics: Data and the Democratization of Healthcare

As information once held closely by providers becomes available to health plans, employers, and consumers, old hierarchies are disintegrating. “The democratization of health care,” as the National Academy of Medicine has labeled it, brings with it new roles and rules that challenge health systems to successfully combine high-tech analytics with sophisticated high-touch outreach. As complex clinical care information spreads outside conventional professional channels, it will disrupt traditional roles of providers, payers, patients, and others. To thrive in this new environment, provides will need to understand how roles and interactions are evolving and how new kinds of rules will govern them. To do this, analytics that allow sophisticated measurement and management will be key to surviving and prospering in an era of artificial intelligence and distributed data.

Out of Control: The Challenge of Healthcare’s New Roles, Rules and Relationships

As information once held closely by providers becomes available to health plans, employers and consumers, old hierarchies are disintegrating. “The democratization of healthcare,” as the National Academy of Medicine has labeled it, brings with it new roles and rules that challenge health systems to successfully combine high-tech analytics with sophisticated high-touch outreach.

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