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AI-Powered Benchmarking Transforms Data into Insight, Improving Organizational Effectiveness

Article Summary

Healthcare organizations have a vast amount of data available. Data need to be converted into better decisions regarding organizational focus, resource allocation, and setting and driving toward appropriate targets to optimize performance. Beyond significant data integration and transformation, optimal leadership decisions require a broad perspective and cutting-edge analytics.

Previously, INTEGRIS Health had high volumes of data but lacked the insight it wanted to drive performance. By leveraging a robust analytics platform, INTEGRIS Health now has more comprehensive and better-integrated data coupled with the cutting-edge analytics it needs to make critical leadership decisions and drive daily performance.


healthcare benchmarking
Featured Outcomes
  • Leveraging Touchstone®, INTEGRIS Health has a deep understanding of its performance and a unified vision of quality, enabling the organization to focus on opportunities to improve outcomes and organizational performance. Rather than reacting to delayed performance data, the organization is proactively pursuing improvement.
  • Data are refreshed 50x faster than what INTEGRIS Health had before and the benchmarks themselves are both more adaptive and detailed.
  • The organization has saved $500K annually by sunsetting a third-party benchmarking tool.

Healthcare organizations have a vast amount of data available. Data need to be converted into better decisions regarding organizational focus, resource allocation, and setting and driving toward appropriate targets to optimize performance. Beyond significant data integration and transformation, optimal leadership decisions require a broad perspective and cutting-edge analytics.

Previously, INTEGRIS Health had high volumes of data but lacked the insight it wanted to drive performance. By leveraging a robust analytics platform, INTEGRIS Health now has more comprehensive and better-integrated data coupled with the cutting-edge analytics it needs to make critical leadership decisions and drive daily performance.


Healthcare organizations have access to more data than ever before but often lack the actionable insights required for improvement. Organizations that want to improve performance must translate data into knowledge and integrate cutting-edge analytics into daily operations.1


INTEGRIS Health had a healthcare benchmarking tool, but the tool failed to transform data into knowledge that could be used to improve operations and outcomes. Data latency of up to one year for value-based care measures limited the organization’s ability to make data-informed decisions.

当INTEGRIS Health能够访问更健壮的数据时,很难确定如何最好地利用这些数据进行改进。现有的数据使识别噪声信号变得困难。因此,该组织经常被迫跟进所有数据,而不是专注于具体的机会领域。

INTEGRIS Health公司被大量数据淹没,但缺乏对性能和改进机会的洞察力。它需要一个解决方案,该解决方案整合来自不同系统的信息,为目标改进提供及时的数据,并针对同行和其他定制队列进行性能基准测试。


INTEGRIS Health leveraged the Health Catalyst®Data Operating System (DOS™) platform and a robust suite of analytics applications, including Touchstone®Suite and Healthcare.AI™, to establish a single source of truth across its disparate systems and gain powerful insight into performance. Touchstone is a benchmarking asset that uses artificial intelligence to proactively identify where an organization is performing well and where it is underperforming so that organizations can prioritize and drive towards improvement.

INTEGRIS Health使用风险调整基准来了解组织内部和相对于同行的性能,执行机会分析,建立改进优先级,分配资源,并在日常操作中推动改进目标。该组织使用Touchstone的评分系统将INTEGRIS健康系统及其11家医院与类似类型的组织和定制的队列进行比较。

该组织现在已经集成了数据、分析和机器学习驱动的算法,以识别真正的机会,以提高基于价值的护理测量性能、患者安全性和死亡率。INTEGRIS Health首次获得了及时的、可操作的数据,以解决质量问题。有效的医疗保健基准测试揭示了优势和机会,并揭示了一些令人惊讶的见解。例如,心力衰竭再入院一直是改善的高优先级目标,但INTEGRIS健康组的表现与同行基准相比很好。相比之下,败血症的再入院一直被忽视,现在已经成为一个焦点。

该组织为临床医生制定基准,以促进病例审查的分诊,并进行临床医生之间的比较,以辨别变异,使该组织能够查明具体的改善机会。这些临床医生对临床医生的比较还可以识别出高效的执行者,并帮助确定可以在整个组织中推广以加速改进的最佳实践。Touchstone提供的及时、透明和具体的数据为INTEGRIS Health提供了机会,以提高临床文档和编码以及性能报告的准确性和可信度。


通过使用DOS、Touchstone和医疗保健。在人工智能方面,INTEGRIS Health已经在其不同的系统中建立了一个单一的真相来源,获得了对性能的强大洞察。将尖端分析技术整合到日常运营中,已经改变了该组织。

  • Senior leadership has the integrated data and analytics required to develop the strategic course for the organization effectively.
  • 它现在对其绩效有了深刻的理解,对质量有了统一的愿景,使组织能够专注于改善结果和组织绩效的机会。组织不是对延迟的绩效数据做出反应,而是主动寻求改进。
  • Data are refreshed 50x faster than what INTEGRIS Health had before, and the benchmarks themselves are both more adaptive and detailed.
  • 利用Touchstone进行基准测试提高了INTEGRIS健康数据科学家支持更好的焦点、资源分配和目标设置的能力。
  • The organization has saved $500K annually by sunsetting a third-party benchmarking tool.

“Using DOS and Touchstone has been transformational for our organization. The data and analytics are exactly what our CEO, CMO, and CNE need to set our organization’s course. We’ve effectively separated signals from noise in the data and are able to see where the organization needs to go clearly.”

– Benjamin Mansalis, MD, Chief Information Officer, INTEGRIS Health


INTEGRIS Health is further accelerating the power inherent in its data by deploying the Health Catalyst CORUS®Suite,一种制造风格的、基于活动的成本计算解决方案,提供了真实成本的全面视图,使组织有更多的机会来提高结果和组织绩效。


  1. Ginsburg, P., Loera-Brust, A., Brandt, C., & Durak, A.(2018)。数据分析在医疗保健中的机遇与挑战。布鲁金斯学会。Retrieved from
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