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Notes from the Field – 7 Questions with Vivian Anugwom, Director of Health Equity at Allina

March 1, 2022
Posted inFeature Articles

“Notes from the Field” is a special newsroom feature, highlighting industry professionals working to transform healthcare. In this edition, we spoke withVivian Anugwom, Director of Health Equity at Allina Health.


Q: Tell us about your role as the Director of Health Equity at Allina Health?
我最近从健康权益经理变成了阿利纳健康的健康权益主管,它是人口健康领导团队的一部分。我认为,这种协调本身就表明了目前开展卫生公平工作的重要性。当我们继续沿着这条通往价值的道路前进时,我们需要确保为我们的患者提供高价值、高质量的护理,并在我们的护理提供机制中纳入企业级的股权。我正在与其他团队和合作伙伴一道,帮助制定必要的战略和基础设施,以确保我们不仅发现差距,而且有效地解决它们。一个很好的例子是与Health Catalyst的合作,我们共同创建了一个仪表板,它世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地将帮助我们监控我们确定的差异,以及在这些关键领域的改进进展。我们在多个团队之间分享了经验教训,帮助我们了解情况,以确保我们在数据和分析中整合公平视角,例如在COVID-19疫苗分发中。

Q:What is one thing you’ve learned over the past year?

Q:Have you found your pandemic silver lining?

Q:Who is your mentor – and why?
I’ve had a few mentors throughout my career and they’ve all supported my growth and evolution as a leader. There have been a number of people that were the right person to mentor me at the right time, whether it was supporting me in going to back to school or helping me understand what it means to be a leader in healthcare. Because health equity is such a new field, there aren’t a lot of best practices, but I’m still learning what skills and knowledge gaps there are in helping to advance the field.

Q:What inspired you to pursue a career in health equity?
I would actually say I pursued a career in healthcare because I wanted to help people. I’ve had a number of different roles in the field and couldn’t ignore the opportunities to address glaring inequities. I’ve always found a way to incorporate health equity into the work I was doing. Right now I have health equity in my job title, but I think health equity is a part of everyone’s job, or it should be. I am a healthcare leader–I just happen to be the health equity leader right now.

Q:What is the biggest opportunity to improve healthcare?
The biggest opportunity in healthcare is to create environments that are responsive to the unique needs of our patients and communities. We need to meet people where they are and then be agile enough to respond in a respectful manner. I think that would solve a lot of the current issues.

Q:What is the greatest challenge facing healthcare?

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