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Delivering Analytic Insights from the Warehouse to the Front Lines: Your Most Valuable Supply Chain

September 16, 2021
Chris Tyne

Chief Operating Officer, Healthfinch

During this webinar you’ll learn the following:

  • Effective methods for delivering data to your providers.
  • Building analytics into every workflow.
  • 为您的团队提供技术驱动的临床决策支持。
  • Streamlining your data delivery to provider better care, drive revenue, and make your system more efficient.

Delivering Analytic Insights from the Warehouse to the Front Lines: Your Most Valuable Supply Chain

As clinicians contend with having too much on their plates, they also rarely get all the information they need to be most effective. Meanwhile, your organization has an expansive amount of data—more data than anyone will ever read on even a single patient. Managing this data load to deliver just-in-time insights, decision support, and analytics is the key to supporting care teams and allowing them to focus on providing the best care to the patients in front of them.

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The Future of Data: High-Value Data Is the Next Big Thing

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