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Changes to ICD-10-PCS Codes: CMS Updates Effective October 2022

July 20, 2022
Mikki Fazzio, RHIT, CCS

Content Integrity Consultant, Principal

Article Summary

Changes to the ICD-10-PCS codes for the fiscal year 2023 include 64 deleted codes, 331 new procedure codes, and no revisions. The updates, which take effect on October 1, 2022, bring the total of ICD-10-PCS codes to 78,496. Health system leaders can prepare for the new round of procedure codes by taking inventory of the areas and interventions impacted, including the following:

1. Medical and surgical.
2. Administrative.
3. Extracorporeal or systemic assistance and performance.
4. New technology.

CMS will publish these codes in the 2023 ICD-10-PCS codebook, but they’re available for review now within Vitalware® by Health Catalyst products.

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the fiscal year (FY) 2023 updates to theICD-10-PCScodes. ICD-10-PCS is a procedure classification system CMS developed for procedure codes that track various health interventions made by medical professionals.

The FY 2023 updates include 64 deleted codes, 331 new procedure codes, and no revisions. This brings the total of ICD-10-PCS codes to 78,496. The updates are effective beginning October 1, 2022.

FY 2023 ICD-10-PCS Deletions

The majority of the deleted codes comprise laser interstitial thermal therapy procedures, which CMS has moved from the Radiation Therapy PCS table to the Destruction (eradication of all or a portion of a body part) PCS tables and expanded.

另一大部分的删除发生在新技术部分。CMS is deleting new technology codes including the following:

  • Joint fusions using a nanotextured surface interbody or a radiolucent porous interbody fusion device: CMS has moved these procedures from the New Technology Joint Fusion PCS table to the Medical and Surgical Upper Joint Fusion PCS table.
  • Extracorporeal supersaturated oxygenation (intermittent and continuous): This new duration value in the Extracorporeal or Systemic Assistance and Performance Physiological Systems Assistance PCS table identifies cardiac perfusion with intra-arterial supersaturated oxygen.
  • Replacement of aortic valves using the rapid deployment technique: These procedures have moved from the New Technology Cardiovascular System Replacement PCS table to the Medical and Surgical Heart and Great Vessels Replacement PCS table.
  • Replacement of skin using a porcine liver-derived skin substitute: CMS has moved these procedures from the New Technology Skin, Subcutaneous Tissue, Fascia and Breast Replacement PCS table to the Medical and Surgical Skin and Breast Replacement PCS table.
  • The introduction of bone marrow into the muscle: These procedures have moved from the New Technology Muscles, Tendons, Bursae and Ligaments Introduction PCS table to the Administration Physiological Systems and Anatomical Regions Introduction PCS table
  • The introduction of certain anticoagulants and monoclonal antibodies: CMS has moved these procedures from the Administration Physiological Systems and Anatomical Regions Introduction PCS table to the New Technology Anatomical Regions Introduction PCS table to further specify the type of substance being introduced.

New ICD-10-PCS Codes for FY 2023

Below are highlights of some of the new codes categorized by PCS table:

Medical and Surgical Section

Central Nervous System and Cranial Nerves: This section has 15 new codes, including destruction of the brain and spinal cord using laser interstitial thermal therapy and extraction of the cerebellum.

Heart and Great Valves:本节有三个新的代码,描述了使用快速部署技术用动物组织(从人移植到动物)替换主动脉瓣。

Lower Arteries:下动脉部分18条新代码描述了通过各种入路对左右前列腺动脉的闭塞情况。

Respiratory System:在呼吸系统部分有27个新的代码,用于使用激光间质热疗破坏肺的特定部分。

Gastrointestinal System: CMS增加了79个代码。这些增加包括破坏食道、食管胃交界处、胃、小肠、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、回盲瓣、大肠、盲肠、阑尾、结肠、直肠和肛门。还包括描述小肠或大肠转移到膀胱或输尿管的代码。

Hepatobiliary System and Pancreas:本节新增39例,描述了激光间质热疗对肝、胆、肝、囊、总胆管以及壶腹、胰管、胰腺的破坏。

Endocrine System:在内分泌系统部分有66个新代码,描述了激光间质热疗法对垂体、肾上腺、颈动脉体、腹主动脉旁体、尾骨球、颈静脉球、主动脉体、副节肢体、甲状腺、甲状旁腺的破坏。

Skin and Breast本节的六个新守则涵盖了激光间质热疗对乳房的破坏。

Head and Facial Bones: There are eight new codes in this section describing the removal or revision of an infusion device in the skull.

Male Reproductive System: Three new codes in this section describe the destruction of the prostate using laser interstitial thermal therapy.

General Anatomical Regions: Six new codes in this section describe the drainage of the neck, either with or without a drainage device.

The Administration Section

Physiological Systems and Anatomical Regions: Four new codes in this section describe the introduction of monoclonal antibodies and other therapeutic substances into the veins and bones.

Extracorporeal or Systemic Assistance and Performance

Physiological Systems: One addition to the physiological systems section describes assistance with cardiac supersaturated oxygenation.


Respiratory System:本节有一个新的代码来描述使用超极化氙气129 (Xe-129)进行肺部磁共振成像(MRI)。

New Technology

The remaining 55 new codes are within the New Technology section. CMS created a large portion of the new codes to report the introduction or transfusion of various anti-infectives, antineoplastics, immunotherapies, and cell therapies. Several new codes describe joint procedures, such as insertion or fusion of joints using internal fixation or spinal motion preservation devices and replacement of knee joints using synthetic substitutes. Two additional new codes cover the supplementation of spine bursa and ligament with a posterior vertebral tether.

Another group of additions to the new technology section is for the destruction of the liver tissue using ultrasound-guided cavitation. CMS created several more additions regarding measurement that include measurement of the following:

  • 计算机辅助符号学分析的脑电活动。
  • Coronary artery flow using quantitative flow ratio analysis or computer-aided valve modeling and notification.
  • Infection using whole blood reverse transcription and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction.

Other additions include the insertion of neurostimulator leads (sometimes paired with a stimulation system) into the nerves of the brain, computer-assisted transcranial magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex, and intermittent coronary sinus occlusion.

CMS will publish these codes in the2023 ICD-10-PCS codebook, but they’re available for review now withinVitalware® by Health Catalystproducts.

Additional Reading

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The Future of Healthcare: Our Promise to HIEs

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