Recorded Webinar

Leveraging AI to Accelerate Systemwide Improvements at Carle Health

Thurs., July 14, 2022
1:00pm–2:00pm ET

Healthcare experts anticipate a 40 percent annual growth in the use of augmented intelligence (AI) in healthcare over the next two years. With limited resources and increasing amounts of data, leaders are turning to AI to make sense of their data and derive critical insight for better decision making. Hear from, Phil Rowell, M.J., Vice President of Clinical and Business Intelligence at Carle Health, to see how Carle Health became an early adopter of AI to tackle COVID-19, improve sepsis management, and accurately forecast patient outcomes.

What You’ll Learn

  • How AI, coupled with a human decision maker, can help healthcare organizations derive essential insight from millions of datasets to solve business-critical issues around revenue, cost, and quality.
  • How Carle Health laid a strong data foundation to support effective AI and advanced analytics for near- and long-term success.
  • Carle Health的三个AI用例路线图,包括需要避免的常见陷阱和其他组织在AI之旅中可以遵循的最佳实践。
Featured Speaker
Phillip Rowell, MJ

Vice President, Clinical and Business Intelligence, Carle Health



在加入Carle领导团队之前,他曾担任PriceWaterhouseCoopers全球医疗保健实践的董事,在那里他与健康计划、供应商和政府协会合作并提供建议。菲尔还曾在Cerner Corporation担任领导职务,并具有深入的商业分析、解决方案架构和IT项目管理经验。菲尔领导和支持了四大洲11个国家的40多个项目,以支持临床转型和患者护理。

Rowell是香槟人,毕业于大学实验室高中,获得罗耀拉大学卫生法法学硕士学位和工商管理学士学位。他也是圣心大学(Sacred Heart University)卫生专业研究生院卫生保健信息技术法律问题、卫生保健政策和伦理的兼职教授。