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Widespread Data Utilization Ensures Continuous Data-Driven Improvement

Article Summary

To ensure it continues the widespread use of data and analytics, Allina Health needed a plan to ensure ongoing data utilization and continuous, data-driven improvement, increasing the number of people learning from the valuable data in its data platform. By leveraging an advanced data platform and a robust suite of analytics accelerators, the health system observed significant improvements.


data utilization
Featured Outcomes
  • 107 percent relative improvement in the number of users accessing the data platform each month, achieved in just one year.
  • 在Allina Health的十大分析应用程序中,一年内有351,513个独特的会话。
  • More than $33M in positive margin impact by expense reduction and additional hospital in/outpatient revenue.

To ensure it continues the widespread use of data and analytics, Allina Health needed a plan to ensure ongoing data utilization and continuous, data-driven improvement, increasing the number of people learning from the valuable data in its data platform. By leveraging an advanced data platform and a robust suite of analytics accelerators, the health system observed significant improvements.


Physicians, nurses, and other members of the care team often lack the data required to help them understand their performance and improve the outcomes of care.1根据最近的一项调查,只有28%的临床医生、临床领导者和高管报告说,他们的组织擅长从数据中学习,尽管在整个医疗保健中对数据和分析的使用越来越多。1

A not-for-profit health system, Allina Health is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness and enhancing the greater health of individuals, families, and communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin.


Allina Health understands the power of integrated data and analytics to improve clinical, financial, and operational improvements. The organization has successfully reduced the cost of delivering care, while improving patient outcomes, and provider satisfaction.

为了确保继续获得与广泛使用数据和分析相关的好处,Allina Health需要一个计划,以确保持续使用医疗数据和持续的数据驱动的改进。它的目标是让更多的人从其数据平台中学习有价值的数据。世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测


Support for broad-based use of data and analytics at Allina Health starts at the top, with strong support from the CEO and senior leadership team, who understand the importance of integrated data in driving clinical, operational, and financial improvements. Allina Health empowers employees, clinicians, and affiliates to deliver the best care at the best value for the community and at the best cost of production for the communities it serves. The following practices and processes help Allina Health gain insight from data:

  • The right data infrastructure:using the Health Catalyst®Data Operating System (DOS™) and a robust suite of analytics applications that integrates data from 65 different source systems.
    • Rather than providing its employees access to only clinical data, or only financial data, Allina Health provides access to all of its data. Business, operational, and clinical leaders can drill into detailed clinical data, understand unintentional variation in care, and quickly and easily identify the impact of that variation on clinical, organizational, and financial outcomes.
  • The right data culture:Allina Health enables access to high-quality data along with standard security practices that support its employees in accessing the data required to continuously improve.
  • Prioritization of data and resource requests:Allina Health has a prioritization process for analytic requests, clarifying the business request, how the data and analytics will be used, and clearly identifying the problem the data will help solve before embarking on new development requests. Allina Health allocates resources to sustain and build solutions where it has the greatest impact on the community it serves.
  • Self-service data tools:Allina Health has more than 90 different analytics applications with easy-to-view visualizations, providing ready insight into performance.
    • In addition to self-service tools, Allina Health supports users performing direct queries of the data platform.
  • Advanced analytics:Allina Health leverages predictive analytics to identify potentially preventable events, including a variety of risk stratification and patient safety triggers, enabling clinicians to intervene and prevent undesirable events.
  • Expertise for key initiatives:analytics engineers, data scientists, and domain expertise are assigned to key initiatives, improving the time to value.
    • 数据平台的灵活性和结构支持分析工程师提高新构建请求的时间,允许分析工程师还与临床和运世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测营负责人合作,推动改变和改进。
  • Data literacy education:Allina Health provides education for each of its data user types, building skill in its various users to:
    • Gather and analyze data, transforming data into intelligence
    • Gain new technical skills using specific tools.
    • Interpret data, making it actionable.
    • 访问数据并向其他人展示如何使用数据和分析。

Allina Health使用分析来主动监控使用率,并使用这些信息进一步影响分析的采用。Allina Health的Usage Monitor Analytics Accelerator允许组织主动监控每个分析应用程序的用户数量。组织可以轻松识别前十位用户和会话数;每个应用每月的用户数量,包括物理位置、标题、星期和小时的使用情况;and can review the number of times data from the applications are emailed (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Usage Monitor Analytics Accelerator visualization

持续的、主动的使用监控——以及在使用率低的时候进行干预——允许阿利纳健康最大化地采用分析,并进一步生成持续改进的环境,同时支持阿利纳健康确定改进请求的优先级。For example, using the Report Usage Monitor Analytics Accelerator, the organization identified that usage of an open-access scheduling application was less than expected (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Report Usage Monitor Analytics Accelerator visualization

领导主动向自调度应用的用户询问使用率低于预期的原因;这种洞察力有助于协调使用障碍,并改进自调度应用程序的使用。Allina Health uses the analytics accelerators to assist with prioritization requests, first allocating resources to improve the applications and reports with the highest number of users.


Allina Health is increasing its organizational use of data to drive operations. In just one year, Allina Health observed significant improvements:

  • A 107 percent relative improvement in the number of users accessing the data platform each month.
  • 351,513 unique sessions in Allina Health’s top ten analytics applications.
  • 128,306 unique views of Allina Health’s top ten reports.

通过数据平台随时访问数据,阿利纳健康以数据驱动的改善文化正在帮助该组织以社区的世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测最佳价值和其服务的社区的最佳生产成本提供最好的医疗服务。Select results include the following:

  • More than $33M in positive margin impact by expense reduction and additional hospital in- and outpatient revenue.
  • 改善血液保护。
    • $3.2M decrease in annual blood product acquisition costs since 2011.
  • Sustaining and improving care for spine patients.
    • 31 percent of expected complications avoided.
    • 22 percent relative reduction in surgical site infections.
    • 8.8 percent relative reduction in length of stay.

“Unleashing the data at Allina Health has been key to increasing organizational efficiency, reducing costs, and improving outcomes for our patients. Using data and analytics, Allina Health has saved millions of dollars and improved our ability to deliver on our mission of enhancing the greater health of individuals, families, and communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin.”

– Jonathan Shoemaker, Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Allina Health


Allina Health plans to continue its analytics adoption journey and will further democratize data, continually improving the access and use of data to improve outcomes for the communities it serves.


  1. Compton-Phillips, A. & Mohta, n.s.(2019)。护理再设计调查:数据和分析如何改善临床护理。NEJM Catalyst.
Improved Data Access Drives Effective Care Delivery

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