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Analytics Accelerates COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts

August 3, 2022

Article Summary

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust began COVID-19 vaccination based upon defined priorities and the National Health Service (NHS) guidelines, prioritizing calling patients over the age of 80 who had an upcoming outpatient appointment. By utilizing its data platform and analytics applications to improve the COVID-19 vaccination call process, the organization was able to manage its COVID-19 vaccination efforts effectively.


covid-19 vaccination outreach
Featured Outcomes
  • In just two days, implemented a solution to improve and streamline COVID-19 vaccination patient identification and prioritisation and call centre workflow, increasing the number of patients scheduled for vaccination.
  • More than 30,000 patients identified for ranked priority calling.
  • Call outcomes are now stored in a single location, enabling systematic reporting.


Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust began COVID-19 vaccination based upon defined priorities and the National Health Service (NHS) guidelines. Its highest priority was to contact patients over the age of 80 who had an upcoming outpatient appointment, encouraging the patient to get vaccinated at their appointment. Guy’s and St Thomas’ quickly established a call centre, but lacked the necessary infrastructure for call center efficiency. The organisation didn’t have an updated prioritized list of patients based on the NHS guidelines and lacked a mechanism for effectively tracking patient calls. This resulted in non-standard workflows, insufficient data, and lacking systematic reporting.


盖伊和圣托马斯利用Health Catalyst®数据操作系统(DOS世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地™)平台实现了一项应用程序,以改善COVID-19疫苗接种呼叫流程。世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测该组织使用主题区域数据集市来确定需要呼叫的患者队列和相关的患者详细信息。呼叫中心的座席利用即时数据输入应用程序(IDEA)来审阅分配给每个呼叫组的呼叫,查看分配给每个呼叫组的优先级,并记录每个呼叫的结果和记录。


Guy’s and St Thomas’ has the analytics and insight required to manage its COVID-19 vaccination efforts effectively. The organisation can quickly and easily adjust the prioritisation of patients to align with each vaccination phase. Guy’s and St Thomas’ expanded the prioritisation to include patients over the age of 75 and added additional cohorts, including frontline staff and support staff, to the application.

  • In just two days, implemented a solution to improve and streamline COVID-19 vaccination patient identification and prioritisation and call centre workflow, increasing the number of patients scheduled for vaccination.
  • More than 30,000 patients identified for ranked priority calling.
  • Call outcomes are now stored in a single location, enabling systematic reporting.


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