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Innovative Care Management Program Avoids Nearly $16M in Costs and Transforms Lives of Super-Utilizers

June 30, 2021

Article Summary



Care Management success story
Featured Outcomes
  • $16M in costs avoided, the result of a:
    • 68.5 percent relative reduction in the number of days patients spent hospitalized.
    • 22.8 percent relative reduction in length of stay.
    • 43.8 percent relative reduction in readmission rate.
    • 700 fewer ambulance transports, freeing up ambulances for medical emergencies.
    • 1,425 fewer ED visits, improving ED capacity for patients in need of emergency care.



Nationwide, patients who are homeless visit the ED at a rate 4.8 times higher than patients who are not homeless, and people who are homeless die 12 years earlier than the general U.S. population.1无家可归者的慢性健康状况因经常接触传染病、暴力和营养不良而恶化。2Homelessness is associated with health inequities, and care management is often needed for patients who are homeless. Hawaii’s homelessness rate is the second-highest in the nation.


Nearly 60 percent of all ED visits at QMC were patients who were homeless. Some patients visited the ED every day. These super-utilizers—patients with 15 or more ED visits in a quarter, three admissions to QMC in a quarter, or 15 days of hospitalizations in a quarter—were consuming a disproportionate share of resources and had needs that could be better met outside the ED.

QHS had enrolled these patients into its programs for high utilizers but had not achieved the positive impact on patient outcomes, costs, and patient experience that it desired. The organization needed a new care management strategy that would allow it to respond to the needs of this unique patient population more effectively.


QHS developed the Queen’s Care Coalition, an innovative care management program, to address the needs of super-utilizers. In addition to utilization criteria, QHS screens patients for social determinants impacting health outcomes, including employment, food insecurity, housing instability, poverty, incarceration, and violence. When QHS finds patients with multiple factors influencing their health and wellbeing, it enrolls the patients in the care management program.




QHS leverages the Health Catalyst®数据操作系统(DOS™)平台的数据和分析。世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测Queen 's Care Coalition患者的住房状况数据被输入到即时数据输入应用程序(IDEA)中,确保数据可以随时用于DOS分析和报告。该组织能够使用支付者数据、患者数据和患者流量数据进行持续的项目评估和基于数据的决策。


女王护理联盟正在改变人们的生活,同时降低利用率和成本。QHS achieved the following results:

  • $16M in costs avoided, the result of a:
    • 68.5 percent relative reduction in the number of days patients spent hospitalized.
    • 22.8 percent relative reduction in length of stay.
    • 43.8 percent relative reduction in readmission rate.
    • 700 fewer ambulance transports, freeing up ambulances for medical emergencies.
    • 1,425 fewer ED visits, improving ED capacity for patients in need of emergency care.
  • 61 percent of patients who were homeless at program enrollment had secured housing when discharged from the program.
  • Improved care coordination positively impacted the payers’ costs for patients enrolled in the program. The total cost of care incurred by payers was reduced by $624K during the three six-month periods after patient enrollment in the Queen’s Care Coalition program.

一名患者的生活因女王护理联盟项目而改变,她在三个月内使用ED 16次,其中4次住院治疗。该患者在一个停车场住了10年,有精神健康诊断和药物滥用史。他缺乏与社区资源的联系,拒绝接受心理健康和药物滥用治疗。He was not consistently taking his prescribed medications.

QHS enrolled the patient in the Queen’s Care Coalition program. The patient’s CHW:

  • Provided intense navigation for 30 to 90 days, helping the patient recognize strengths and establish goals.
  • Assisted the patient in obtaining a short-term medical respite bed.
  • Attended the patient’s appointments with him.
  • Aided him with signing up to receive food stamps and Social Security.
  • 帮助病人改善卫生条件,获得永久住所。
  • 安顿好后,带他去杂货店买菜,教他做饭。

After three months, the patient graduated from the program. He remains housed, attends his medical appointments on his own, and takes all prescribed medications. He has not returned to the ED for more than two years.

Queen’s Care Coalition has improved health equity and transformed lives. We have seen people who were homeless and routinely assaulted reshape their lives. They’re now living independently, going to their medical appointments, adopting pets—living full, healthier lives.

– Ashley Shearer, LCSW, CSAC, Manager, Queen’s Care Coalition




  1. QuickStats: Rate of Emergency Department (ED) Visits, by Homeless Status and Geographic Region — National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 2015–2018. (2020).Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 69(50). Retrieved from
  2. Homelessness & Health: What’s the Connection? Fact Sheet. (2019).全国无家可归者保健委员会Retrieved from
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