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Will Caldwell, MD, MBA

Senior Vice President and Executive Advisor

威尔·考德威尔曾就读于戴维森学院(Davidson College),在那里他为日后的医学生涯做准备,他学习生物学,并在东非做一名野生动物管理者。考德威尔医生在马里兰大学医疗系统和马里兰休克创伤中心完成了耳鼻喉-头颈外科的住院医师培训,并继续获得了耳鼻喉科、过敏和免疫学以及睡眠医学的三板认证。2013年,Caldwell博士成为Give Hope Global的董事会成员和医疗总监,这是一个致力于发展卫生系统的非营利实体,专注于使用社区卫生工作者。他还担任海地健康伙伴组织(Zanmi Lasante)的高级医疗顾问。他在那里的工作被记录在一部获得两次艾美奖的电影中。他以最高荣誉获得工商管理硕士学位,并被维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)授予学术荣誉。他曾担任Novant Health的临床整合高级副总裁,建立了Novant Health临床整合网络,这是一个基于价值的平台,由26个专业的2800多家供应商组成。世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测他目前担任Health Catalyst的医生和市场开发高级副总裁,推动使用数据分析来促进健康和拯救生命。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地他的专长领域是技术支持的医疗保健服务模式和基于价值的护理平台。世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测他继续为病人看病,并在17年的临床医生生涯中获得了超过26个临床卓越奖项。

See content from Will Caldwell, MD, MBA

Becoming A Change Agent in Healthcare: The Key to Meaningful Improvement

Facing constant change and dwindling profit margins, healthcare organizations consistently rely on financial management in response to market changes. While a financial focus is crucial for survival, healthcare leaders should realize the power of clinicians as change agents in driving meaningful clinical improvement and curbing rising costs. Providers’ dedication to delivering first-class care and eagerness to continually discover the most effective care delivery methods—powered by analytic insight—is the foundation of clinical improvement. This powerful combination of clinical passion and relevant data is key to successfully surviving and thriving in an ever-changing industry, in which financial rewards depend on patient outcomes.

Now Is the Perfect Time to Advance Population Health

There is an opportunity facing us, an opportunity to embrace more equitable and efficient healthcare. In a world that is driven by market forces, we cannot be constrained by the status quo and instead, must lean into a true, sustainable shift to population health. Population health – the identification and management of the drivers of […]

How Addressing Mental Health Can Improve Chronic Disease Outcomes and Cut Costs

Treating mental health is often a low priority for health systems because of its high costs and low reimbursement rate. But health systems should not underestimate the impact mental health has on one of their costliest areas—treating chronic diseases. As research links higher costs to patients with chronic disease and a mental health disorder compared to patients without a mental health disorder, organizations should consider mental health treatment a key part of chronic disease management. By following four steps, providers and care teams can address patients’ mental health, thereby improving chronic disease outcomes and lowering costs:
1. Identify the patient population.
2. Identify the financial impact.
3. Develop a plan with experts.
4. Measure the impact and show ROI.

How Telehealth Improves Revenue, Cost, and Quality

With COVID-19 sending health systems reeling, leaders understand the only way organizations can survive the pandemic is by driving improvement in three key areas: revenue, cost, and quality. Many traditional healthcare delivery methods, such as in-person visits, are on hold, leaving health system leaders considering how telehealth solutions allow organizations to excel in the new industry normal.


The Medicare Shared Savings Program: Four Tools for Better Profit Margins and High-Quality Care

Medicare patients make up the majority of health systems’ revenue; yet, organizations earn only a one percent profit while caring for this population. Despite historically low profit margins, Medicare can be lucrative for health systems, and through the Medicare Shared Savings Program, healthcare organizations can increase revenue with four tools:

1. The ability to aggregate and analyze data.
2. The ability to align financial incentives between payers and providers.
3. The ability to engage patients in behavior or lifestyle modifications.
4. The ability to garner support from clinicians and encourage them to lead the shift to VBC.


The Medicare Shared Savings Program: Four Tools for Better Profit Margins and High-Quality Care

Medicare patients make up the majority of health systems’ revenue; yet, organizations earn only a one percent profit while caring for this population. Despite historically low profit margins, Medicare can be lucrative for health systems, and through the Medicare Shared Savings Program, healthcare organizations can increase revenue with four tools:
1. The ability to aggregate and analyze data.
2. The ability to align financial incentives between payers and providers.
3. The ability to engage patients in behavior or lifestyle modifications.
4. The ability to garner support from clinicians and encourage them to lead the shift to VBC.


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